<aside> ⚠️ Before the installation make sure that:

  1. telephony is enabled in your Zoho account (enter your Zoho account > go to Settings > Channels > Telephony). If it is not enabled you will see the "Install" button.

  2. you're the admin of the Zoho account, otherwise, you won't be able to integrate CallGear with Zoho (there will be a 502 error);

  3. there is no running integration with PhoneBridge in your account;


New users:

  1. Choose Get Demo for a CallGear account.
  2. Our sales rep will contact you and create an account.
  3. To integrate your CallGear account with Zoho follow the steps below.


Navigate to ZohoCRM --> Telephony --> CallGear --> click on "Install" -- > !!! select "All Users" and then click "Install. !!!



  1. Log in, click Administrator in the top right corner, navigate Account > Integrations.

  2. Find Zoho logo and click on Enable.

  3. For the PhoneBridge settings choose Zoho Crm - CallGear.

  4. Accept permissions.

    <aside> ⚠️ Make sure that all of Zoho users have a PhoneBridge (Telephony) option enabled in their Zoho account. Otherwise they will not be able to make calls.


  1. integration options:
  1. Start calling your contacts and watch your call activities in the Zoho.